
In 2018, the international technology group SCHOTT is launching a comprehensive change process called "Growth Culture" to meet the challenges of digitalization and hypercompetition.

Customer-oriented, competitive, courageous, agile, networked - following these five principles, management and employees are developing and testing new methods and processes of teamwork in an ongoing process. But: In order for the change to succeed, it has to be lived. How can SCHOTT continue to motivate and activate all 16,000 employees after the initial start-up phase?


Screenshots der „Growth Culture“ Online-Plattform


Global platform with a "we" feeling

Our team designs and develops the global SCHOTT "Growth Culture" online platform - the central communication tool of the internal change process.

Here, employees receive all information and background information on the "Growth Culture", can actively participate in shaping it and experience a global "we-feeling". Teams from all over the world share their experiences and successes with new ways of working through exemplary "Best Actions.

On the website with transparent full-page navigation, users move through a world of mountain sports images with dynamic elements, animations and multimedia content. For the latter, we produced various videos of and with the SCHOTT tour in Mainz for the launch.

From the very beginning, the platform has formed the content and technical basis for the continuous development of content and functions. For example, the soon to be added monthly motivational highlights with personal insights from the management or the regular competitions, the winners of which are voted on by the SCHOTT community.

Screenshots der „Growth Culture“ Online-Plattform

Special challenges

A notebook as a personal guide

To accompany the online portal, we developed the "Principle Expedition Journal": a notebook for all employees worldwide that accompanies them in their personal development. We linked the content to video content on the website via QR codes and supplemented it with exercise templates, motivating insights, and progress stickers for learning progress. In cooperation with the agency pure:design, we produced a print run of over 15,000 copies - translated into 13 languages. Employees were given a first glimpse of the program before it was rolled out worldwide with an animated video trailer at a company-wide Growth Culture presentation.

Das Notizbuch „Principle Expedition Journal“


Within a short period of time after the premiere of the platform, it became the first point of contact for SCHOTT employees all over the world regarding "Growth Culture". The continuously growing content - most of which comes directly from the experiences of the teams around the world - regularly generates a high number of hits. For SCHOTT, the new platform is proving to be an effective pillar of communicative support for the transformation process.

  • Screenshots der „Growth Culture“ Online-Plattform

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